Sunday, October 4, 2009

321 Blast Off! R4nD0M!~~~

Posted once.. still bored.. Isn't that just great?!
Singing... *coughhhh* shit. Voice getting a lil' husky... im gonna drink water.
------ 12:11 am ---------------
Back! mm.. so Im kinda typing in present tense which makes it kinda confusing but oh#well ~~~
12:12am - Goodnight aussie. You gotta wake up for school tmr! Well.. I do to but just not for school for some different reasons.
Geeeee..........1..................2...........................3............................................................Wait for it!

*Lareine: mmm.. yumm... Swiss roll right in front of me..
*No!! Lareine do NOT touch it..
*But its yummy!!!~~~*
*Thats your breakkii for tmr*
- Controling-
24hrs later............ * GAH!! CANT HELP IT! *
$ MunCH MuNcH MUncH & 4wAy! $

The little cute hungry muffin.

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