Thursday, October 1, 2009

Busy yet Exciting. Interesting?

Today was busy yet i guess kinda fun.
I woke up really early today.. i guess around 10:00am and I just wanted to sleep in so badly but i knew i had to wake up.. so I managed =]
I skipped my breakfast and i went to my ex-school Sri Sedaya. I came kinda late so i was lost and sadly had no where to go.. just until i saw Rachel walking and i didn't feel as though i was a lost puppy anymore. I then met up with the rest of the girls. We were chatting and laughing kind-of. Had so much fun. Annoyingly i had to leave so mhm~
After that I went to pick my brother up from summit. We all went to E-view to pick up some stuff. My brother had his first pair of contacts finally in ages and he tried putting them on. It took long but it was fine in the end. =] Happy Wearing Contacts bro!
Did i mention my brother bought me a bigmac? Although it was impossible to finish for me it was still yummilicious!
Well. Then it was Time for dinner!!
I was wondering what my mummy cooked. * It was delicious *

Till next time ^^

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